12 Things Email Marketing Specialist Should Be Doing In 2024

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Written by Alexander Ang

Last updated June 13 , 2024

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An Email Marketing Specialist's job is to help the company build, nurture, educate, and grow its subscriber list through a series of email marketing funnels and campaigns to achieve its business goal.

Whether you're an email marketing manager, specialist, or individual exploring an email marketing channel to grow your business, this guide aims to give you a perspective on what an email marketing specialist should do.

What Do Email Marketing Specialist Do?

1. Setup list building strategy

As an email marketer, you brainstorm and work with the marketing team to set up a list-building funnel.

This process involves creating different processes to attract and capture potential subscribers' contact information, such as email addresses.


designing an opt-in funnel with the marketing team.
crafting enticing lead magnets.
Optimizing opt-in forms to maximize sign-ups through websites and landing pages.

The goal is to keep your subscribers in touch by broadcasting targeted emails later on that serve as follow-up or engagement emails to convert subscribers into customers.

2. Strategize and structure email sequences

This includes creating a series of emails designed to guide subscribers through their customer journey.

An example of a task includes creating automated workflows and email content that will be delivered to subscribers from the moment they sign up to the moment they purchase.

These examples include welcome email series, email nurturing campaigns, and post-purchase follow-ups.

The aim is to engage and build relationships, provide value, and move subscribers closer to conversion through personalized, relevant email communication.

3. Write Compelling Emails

Compelling emails involves crafting engaging content that captures the reader's attention and taking prompt action.

Compelling emails will drive more open rates and click-through rates and reduce the company's unsubscribe rates.

This role requires a good copywriting skillset, an understanding of the audience's needs and interests, and the ability to create clear, compelling calls to action.

The objective is to drive engagement, build trust, and encourage subscribers to take the desired actions, such as purchasing or signing up for a webinar.

4. Nurture Company's New and Existing List

If you're only focusing on generating leads without a follow-up plan, consider using CRM or email marketing software to help you do the nurturing and follow-up.

Nurturing a company's new and existing email list focuses on maintaining and enhancing subscriber relationships over time.

This involves regularly sending valuable content, personalized offers, and relevant updates to keep subscribers engaged and interested in your brand.

The goal is to build loyalty, reduce churn, and increase the lifetime value of each subscriber by providing ongoing support and communication.

5. Maintaining List Hygiene

Maintaining list hygiene is crucial to ensuring your deliverability rate is high, making sure most of your emails land in your subscribers' inboxes instead of spam boxes.

List hygiene also helps to ensure you don't overpay for additional email contacts, as the cost of email marketing software is based on the number of contacts in the CRM.

This role involves

Cleaning hard bounce and soft bounce email list
Remove SPAM email addressess 
Remove inactive subscribers
Correct invalid email addresses
Ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

6. Increase Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Increasing email click-through rates (CTR) involves optimizing email content through copywriting to encourage subscribers to click on the call to action button or call to action links.

Crafting compelling subject lines.
Writing a concise and clear email copy.
Using strong calls-to-action buttons and links.
Use font type and font size that is easy to read.
Sending email based on best timing.
Using fewer words that trigger spam filters.
Implementing A/B copies to identify what resonates best with your audience.

7. Increase Conversion Rate (CVR)

Increasing the conversion rate focuses on turning email recipients into paying customers or achieving other desired outcomes such as registration and enquiries.

This role requires email marketers to create targeted, persuasive email campaigns that address your audience's needs, desires, interests, and pain points.

By leveraging previous email performance data, email marketers can use data-driven insights and personalization to enhance the effectiveness of their emails and maximize conversion rates.

8. Monitor Email Campaign Performance

Monitoring email campaign performance involves tracking key metrics such as:

Open rates.
Click-through rates.
Conversions Rate.
Decay open rate.
Bounce rate.
Unsubscribe rates.

This task requires an analytical mind to analyze and connect the data to identify trends and measure campaign effectiveness, helping to make informed decisions about optimization.

The objective is to continually improve the performance of email marketing strategies and achieve better results over time.

9. Increase Frequency of Purchase

Increasing purchase frequency or frequency of purchase focuses on encouraging existing customers to buy more often.

This involves creating targeted promotional email campaigns that can be:

Highlighting new products.
A special offers.
Personalized recommendations based on past purchases.

You can drive repeat business and enhance customer loyalty by staying top-of-mind and providing ongoing value.

10. Improve Average Order Value (AOV)

Improving the average order value (AOV) involves crafting email campaigns that encourage customers to spend more per transaction.

This includes strategies like

Upselling campaign.
Cross-selling campaign.
Promoting higher-priced or bundled products.

11. Update and Engage with Existing List

Updating and engaging with your existing email list involves maintaining regular communication with subscribers through newsletters, product updates, and exclusive content.

This role requires keeping the audience informed and engaged with relevant, valuable information that reinforces your brand and builds lasting relationships.

The goal is to sustain interest, drive ongoing engagement, and foster long-term loyalty.

12. Maximizing email marketing Features

Choosing your best email marketing software is one thing, learning how to leverage all the important features will definitely improve your overall campaign effectiveness.

Most email marketing software has powerful features and capabilities to help you set up, manage, automate, and track your email marketing performance.

Examples of features an email marketer should be using include:

Email marketing automation features
sPAM scores filtering
"Best time to send" feature
tagging and segmentation
aI personalize subject headlines
single and double optin features

and many more...

If you want to explore some of the best email marketing software out there, you can check out the this article here.

Final Thought

Email marketing professionals are key players in the digital marketing landscape.

Their work not only involves crafting engaging emails and analyzing data but also improving companies' business profit and margin without spending extra advertising costs.

If you have a knack for public relations, creativity, and building relationships with your customers, your career in email marketing could be exciting and satisfying.

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Author Alex Ang Profile Picture

Meet the author Alexander Ang

Alex is the CEO of media funnel.co, a digital advertising company specializing in Google marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. He has also trained, coached, and consulted CEOs, executives, and business owners on how to improve their online marketing results and performance since 2020, after the pandemic.


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