Digital Marketing For Non-Marketers

about me

My name is Alexander Ang and this is my blog where I share all my insights that I learned over the past 10 years in the area of digital marketing.

This blog started in 2024 (But I bought this domain since 2021) as a way to document all my past 10 years of lessons and learning in the digital marketing niche. 

I started to learn about online marketing back in 2012 and copywriting is where it all began.

Fast forward today,

I am managing 4 different business units that have generated multiple 5-6 figures in revenue as a digital advertising agency, training company and e-commerce business.

My business has grown from 0 to multiple 6-figure without any advertising ad spent. 

I want to share how I did it through all the strategic and tactical marketing methods learned over the past years.

Alexander Ang Website Profile
Alexander Ang Speaking in a conference

I Don't Know Everything, But Here's What I Do know...

I know what it feels like to be broke. I failed eight times in doing other businessess before starting my advertising company in December 2019.
I know what it's like to be burned out doing things you don't like, such as serving a nasty client who pays you little and doesn't appreciate your work.
I also know what it feels like to be stuck at your corporate job, keep trying, and yet not be able to find what you're truly passionate about. I've been in music industry, sales, event management, and business development.
My mom is a second-stage breast cancer patient, and our family have gone through unimaginable financial stress that I hope no one should ever experience.

Here's A quick timeline

Alexander Ang Convocation Photo in 2011

Year 2009 - 2011

Graduated with a Bachelor degree in Environmental Science & Management
Music Band Group Photo in 2011

Year 2007 - 2015

Working as a part-time musician to make some side income
Alexander Ang's Ex Company Team Group Photo in 2018

Year 2015 - 2019

My team & I when we're working in the seminar industry
Alexander Ang Media Funnel Company Group Photo

Year 2019 - Present

Started my digital advertising agency from just me and grew to a 7 person's team
Alexaxnder Ang Award Winner Night

Year 2021-2023

Participated in the industry competition as a finalist & won best strategist award
Alexander Ang Conference Speaking

Year 2021 - Present

Conduct digital marketing workshops & speaking engagment for over 700+ hours every year

Sharing Results on What We've Done

I will share more results and methods we use to grow a company's traffic, improve its marketing results, and increase overall conversion.

Results are not typical, and not all campaigns are going to be great. I will also share mistakes that we've made so you don't have to repeat them. track record - List Building Results

Email List Building

Growing your subscribers list to increase average order value and frequency of purchase.
Google Analytic Traffic Growth Result

Search Engine Optimization

Growing website traffic for B2B and B2C companies across difference niche. - track record on eCommerce Revenue Growth

Increase e-Commerce Revenue

Optimizing and improving e-Commerce strategies for growing 107% revenue in just 4 months through SEM including Google shopping ads. track record - Facebook Ads Results

Facebook Ads Lead Generation Campaign

Running campaign for workshops, financial products, wellness centre, solar panel, interior design industry and many more. results - reduce cost per conversion by 35%

Google Ads - Reduced Cost Per Conversion by 35%

Running Google ads is one thing, but most people don't know how to create an engaging landing page, that could increase their conversion and reduced cost per conversion overtime.

I share all my landing page best practices here.

Thank You For Being Here

If you ever feel lost and unsure about marketing, just send me an email, and I will do my best to respond to every email.

Note that my marketing method is always trial and error, and often, I do not have the answer, so my principle on marketing is very simple.

"When in doubt, test it out."

No one can guarantee success in every marketing result because the answer is in the market, not our judgment. 

Our role as digital marketers is to be more observant and analytical and learn about both the macro and micro environments that could impact our marketing performance.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it just doesn't work, and that is okay because it could be due to seasonality, economic issues, or political issues.

So, let's connect and learn from each other as a community, supporting and helping each other grow, improve, and become better marketers in our company, career, and business.

Let's stay connected and keep in touch.

Some Questions You Want To Know

What Is This Website About?

This is a digital marketing blog where I share all the lessons I learned, from Search Engine to Social Media marketing, including mistakes and what's working now.

What's Your Qualification?

I'm a certified digital marketing professional, certified NLP practitioner, and certified human resource development corporation trainer. 

I have trained over 100 business brands across Southeast Asia, including CEOs and directors, managers, freelancers, and marketing managers. is my advertising agency based in malaysia.

How Do You Manage To Master So Many Online Marketing Topics?

I started learning digital marketing around 2012, starting with copywriting; in 2014, I started learning how to drive organic traffic, set up landing pages and WordPress, write articles, and use email marketing. 

From 2015 to 2019, I started as a full-time employee helping my company build funnels, generate leads, run paid ads, build a sales page, membership page, marketing automation, email marketing, and many more. 

In December 2019, I started helping companies apply what I had learned with over 100 brand case studies. Of course, I can't do it myself; it's the collective effort between the client and my team that makes their online marketing work.

Also, I learned from like-minded communities and share experiences among season marketers, attending classes and workshops.

You can checkout my blogs and newsletter, see if it's valuable to you and have a say too.

What Specific Topics Will You Share On This Blog?

Strategic marketing, social media marketing (Facebook ads example), Google marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, content marketing, website optimization, data analytics and conversion rate optimization.

Where Can I See More Of Your Student's Review?

Who Is This Blog For?

If you are new to the digital marketing industry and are looking to improve your online marketing skills or simply want additional reference, this blog can help with that.

Author Alex Ang Profile Picture

"I would love to answer any questions you have"


By Alexander Ang . Digital Marketing Coach, Trainer & Entrepreneur That Has Been Helping His Students & Companies  to Improve Their Marketing Performance & Online Conversions Since 2020.

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